Professional photographer and audio-visual producer for over 45 years. Conducting comprehensive workshops and courses on digital photography and image processing for both beginners and advanced photographers for the past 25 years through the Burlington PhotoWorkshops. Presenter at numerous photography conferences and conventions including; The Latow Photographers Guild, Canada Camera Conference, The New England Camera Club Council Convention, The Niagara Regional Camera Clubs Convention, Professional Photographers of Ontario and many other photography organizations across Canada. Producer of large scale multi image AV shows that celebrate our world in imagery including... Other multi-media productions include “City Landscapes” - a wide screen presentation for the city of Hamilton done live to Aaron Copeland's "Quiet City" performed by the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra, “The Elegance of an Image” - a celebration of the impact of images which premiered at the Art Gallery of Hamilton, “The Voice of a City” for the Hamilton Region Conservation Authority which incorporated a live 100 voice choir during the performance which was presented to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, and “The Human Touch”, a combination of live theatre and multi-image AV projection about the human condition that ran for two weeks at Theatre Aquarius. Photography for publications and organizations include Canadian Geographic, Canapress, National Film Board, Art Gallery of Hamilton, Dofasco, Firestone, Laidlaw, NCC Publishing, Clifford Elliot Publications, SPY Records, Warner Music, Hamilton Magazine and Burlington’s Joseph Brant Museum & Ireland House. Photography for books on Hamilton, Oakville & Brampton, the book Enterprise 2000, and Robert Bateman's book "New Works". Produced audio-visual and video productions for such companies and organizations as Ecodyne, Laidlaw, Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital, The Salvation Army, Hamilton Harbour Commission, Northern Telecom, Shell Canada, Westinghouse, and Firestone. Published articles for the CAPA (Canadian Association of Photographic Art) magazine include "Creating a Great AV Show", "FIAT LUX - Let There Be Light" and "The Art of Creating an Inspirational Print". Awards for both photography and AV productions including the Latow Photographers Guild annual Audio-Visual Festival, and Photo Life’s 20th anniversary photography competition in digital imaging.